29 Aug 2024


DEA Sponsors, Trustees, Ministry Board Chairs, Principals, together with several Mission Leaders, DEA Finance and Risk Committee members and a newly appointed Business Manager gathered at Mary McKillop Place in North Sydney for the biennial DEA Symposium on the 15-16 August.

Eileen Young, Chair of DEA, welcomed participants to the gathering. Stephen Reid from the National Pastoral Research Centre presented the opening session, providing an interesting and comprehensive sociological overview of the current landscape of the Australian Catholic Church.

Susan Pascoe AM, a significant contributor to the Synod on Synodality, followed with an engaging exploration of lay leadership, highlighting the role of all the baptised in shaping the Church of the future. There were strong connections with our Dominican approach of listening and dialogue, and we were challenged to consider how we can use our voice to shape our Church.

Jenni Hickson, DEA Director of Mission and Formation facilitated a panel discussion in the third session with Fr Mark O’Brien OP, Dr Trish Madigan OP and John Neate (Trustee), inviting each to reflect on how they see Dominicans in dialogue with the world and the Church through the lens of scripture, charism and lay led governance.

The facilitated reflection and group discussions on day two provided opportunities to unpack and explore how we might integrate the current context and challenges in each of our Dominican marketplaces.

DEA Trustees formally thanked Clare Nocka, outgoing Principal of St Mary’s College, at the Symposium Dinner.


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