10 Sep 2023


Safeguarding Sunday falls on the second Sunday of September each year, at the end of National Child Protection Week.
On Safeguarding Sunday, the Catholic Church seeks to acknowledge the immense damage caused to children and vulnerable adults and makes a commitment to practices and protocols that create and maintain safe environments for all people.

Dominican Education Australia and its six Education Ministries are actively committed to fostering safe communities which recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of children and vulnerable adults and have zero tolerance for any abuse committed to them.

Prayer for Safeguarding Sunday

Lord Jesus,
Hear our voices as we pray for your care and protection.
Strengthen and guide us as we strive to make
our Catholic communities a safe place for all.
We especially ask that the children and vulnerable adults
you entrust to our care are protected.
Give us the wisdom and courage to listen with open hearts,
see with open eyes, and speak out to ensure
children and vulnerable adults are safe, loved, respected, and cared for.
May we also pray for those who have been harmed.
Give them the courage to seek the truth and to heal.
Lord, you call us to walk with integrity in the service of others.
May we all strive to understand our
collective responsibility to work together to safeguard
our Catholic communities.
Guide us as we build a community that fosters
everyone to flourish and be safe.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Prayer from Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, Safeguarding Program


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